Workshop SAFE Renewables Sources

13th july 2017 - Auditorium GSE - Viale Maresciallo Pilsudski 92, Roma

Workshop SAFE – Accenture

Competition 2.0 (18). The future of the electricity market in Italy

16th November 2016 - Roma - Auditorium GSE

Workshop “Grids”

12th july 2016 - Conference Room Nctm, via delle Quattro Fontane, 161 – Roma


Workshop SAFE Renewable Sources

10th june 2016 - Roma - Auditorium GSE

Workshop SAFE Innovation

16th july 2015 - Milano, Auditorium ENEL

Workshop SAFE – SIMAV

19th january 2016 - Roma - Palazzo Confcommercio

Workshop SAFE Electrical Power

06th July 2012 - Roma, Auditorium Enel

Workshop SAFE Oil&Gas

28th may 2010 - Palazzo BNL, Roma


Pelagos 2008

28th february - 3rd march 2008 - Roma, Nuova Fiera

Workshop SAFE Waste to Energy

25th June 2012 - Roma, Biblioteca del Senato

Environmental Festival

29th october 2009 - Sala dell’ Arengo, Rimini


20th World Energy Congress – WEC 2007

11-15th november 2007 - Roma, Nuova Fiera

SAFE at the Energy Festival 2012

12th June 2012 - Perugia



29th october 2009 - Sala Neri 2, Rimini



7-10th november 2007

Workshop SAFE Oil & Gas

11th May 2012 - Roma, Sala Capranichetta

Workshop SAFE Alternative Sources

22nd july 2009 - Centro Congressi Enel, Roma


Workshop SAFE Renewables Sources

20th july 2007 - Museo Civico di Zoologia, Roma


Workshop SAFE Renewables Sources

15th july 2014 - Roma

SAFE at the150th anniversary of Italian unification

17th March 2012 - Roma, Palazzo del Quirinale

Workshop SAFE Waste to Energy

3rd july 2009 - Palazzo Marini, Roma


Workshop SAFE Waste to Energy

06th july 2007 - Camera dei Deputati, Roma


Workshop SAFE Water

24th june 2014 - Roma

SAFE at Energy Festival 2011

23rd Sept 2011 - Firenze

Workshop SAFE Oil&Gas

22nd may 2009 - Palazzo dell’Informazione, Roma


Workshop SAFE Electrical Power

25th june 2007 - Centro Congressi Enel, Roma


Workshop SAFE Gas

13th may 2014 - Roma, Sala delle conferenze, Piazza di Montecitorio

Workshop SAFE Alternative Fuels

25th July 2011 - Roma, Palazzo Valentini

Pelagos 2009

27th february - 2nd march 2009 - Nuova fiera di Roma

Workshop SAFE Oil&Gas

04th may 2007 - Camera dei Deputati, Sala del Cenacolo, Roma


Workshop SAFE Renewables Sources

18th july 2013 - Roma, Museo MAXXI

Workshop SAFE Electrical Power

04th July 2011 - Roma, Palazzo San Macuto

Question time with Fulvio Conti – CEO ENEL

19th february 2009 - Roma

OMC – Offshore Mediterranean Conference

Ravenna, Pala De Andrè, 2007

Workshop SAFE Electrical Power

04th july 2013 - Roma, Sala degli Arazzi, Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico

Workshop SAFE Gas

06th June 2011 - Roma, Auditorium GSE

REM 2008

13-14th November 2008 - Roma, Centro Congressi Spazio Etoile


Energy: the challenge of the century

6th march 2007 - Milano

Workshop SAFE Waste to Energy

14 th june 2013 - Roma, Sala Capitolare (Senato della Repubblica)

Per risolvere le sfide di domani. Per trasformare le tendenze in opportunità

1-3 june 2011 - Siena, Borgo La Bagnaia Resort


5-8th November - Rimini



8-11th November 2006 - Rimini

SAFE at Energy Festival 2013

24th may 2013 - Roma


Workshop SAFE Oil

16th May 2011 - Roma, Palazzo Marini

Workshop SAFE Alternative Sources

18th july 2008 - Palazzo San Macuto, Camera dei Deputati, Roma


Workshop SAFE Oil&Gas

20th may 2013 - Roma, Palazzo San Macuto

Big Blu 2011 Sea Heritage Day

24 Feb 2011 - Roma - Nuova Fiera di Roma


Workshop SAFE Waste to Energy

04th july 2008 - Sala del Cenacolo, Camera dei Deputati, Roma


Pelagos Prize

11th december 2012 - Roma, Heaven Gourmet Club

55^ Convention of the Italian Association of Engineers

09th September 2010 - Torino – Teatro Carignano

Workshop SAFE Electrical Power

30th may 2005 - Camera dei Deputati, Palazzo Marini, Roma


Technical Meeting with Emerson

30th October 2012 - Roma, Hotel NH Villa Carpegna

Workshop SAFE Alternative fuels

23rd july 2010 - Auditorium del Gestore dei Servizi Energetici, Roma

Workshop SAFE Oil&Gas

19th may 2008 - Camera dei Deputati, Palazzo Marini, Roma


“Neptune’s Treasures” – Book Launch

12th Octbore 2012 - Genova

Workshop SAFE Waste to Energy

02nd july 2010 - Palazzo San Macuto – Sala del Refettorio, Roma


Ecomondo Russia

01st april 2008 - Mosca, Kremlin Palace

Workshop SAFE Renewable Sources

23rd July 2012 - Roma, Auditorium GSE

Workshop SAFE Electrical Power

14th june 2010 - Chiostro di S. Maria sopra Minerva - Sala Capitolare, Roma



12-15th may 2008 - Roma, Nuova fiera

OMC – Offshore Mediterranean Conference

Ravenna, Pala De Andrè 2005

Workshop SAFE Alternative Sources

17th july 2006 - Link Campus University, Roma


Milan Climate Change Conference

Milano, The Westin Palace Hotel

Workshop SAFE Waste to Energy

03rd july 2006 - Palazzo Baleani, Roma


Sinergy 2004

Rimini Fiera

Workshop SAFE Electrical Power

12th june 2006 - Centro Congressi Enel, Roma


Workshop SAFE Waste to Energy

05th july 2004 - Palazzo Baleani, Roma


Workshop SAFE Oil&Gas

05th may 2006 - Camera dei Deputati, Palazzo San Macuto, Roma


Workshop SAFE Alternative Sources

25th june 2004 - Museo Civico di Zoologia, Roma


Sinergy 2005

9-11th November 2005 - Rimini


Workshop SAFE Electrical Power

31st may 2004 - Horti Sallustiani, Roma


SAFE at CO2 Expo

Fiera di Roma

Workshop SAFE Oil&Gas

03rd may 2004 - Palazzo Baleani, Roma


Italy 2035: Which future?

Roma, Hotel De Russie

Workshop SAFE

26th march 2004 - Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei - Palazzo Corsini


Workshop SAFE Alternative Sources

18th july 2005 - Roma, Palazzo Baleani

Sinergy 2003

Rimini Fiera

Mediterranean Sustainable Developments

Roma, Link Campus University of Malta

Workshop SAFE Alternative Sources

07th july 2003 - Palazzo Baleani, Roma


Workshop SAFE Waste to Energy

05 july 2005 - Roma, Link Campus University of Malta

Workshop SAFE Natural Resources

30th june 2003 - Palazzo Baleani, Roma


Discipline of waste management and environmental policies

Roma, Sale del Garante della privacy

Workshop SAFE Waste to Energy

20th june 2003 - Palazzo Baleani, Roma


Workshop SAFE Electrical Power

20th june 2006 - Roma, Centro Congressi ENEL

Workshop SAFE Electrical Power

13th june 2003 - Palazzo Baleani, Roma


Workshop SAFE Oil&Gas

29th april 2005 - Roma, Palazzo Baleani

Workshop SAFE Oil&Gas

Roma, Palazzo Baleani


Power 2005

Somedia – Post graduate courses – Education after university

Roma, Auditorium del Massimo
